Mission to Montenegro newsletter
Blog entry for 19 September 2018
September 2018 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter
Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.
The entirety of Your word is truth,
And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.
Ps. 119: 89,160
May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you!
Hello, Friends! After the busyness of summer activities and outreaches, we've appreciated taking care of the little (but no less important) things of life and ministry here in Nikšić for we do not despise the day of small things.
Highlights from our month of Little Things,
- Stan is wrapping up his preaching through the Gospel of Luke in the morning as well as his series through the Psalms in the evening. Through faithful exegesis of Scripture in both the Old and New Testament, Stan has clearly shown us the mercy and love of God to reveal Himself to us by His Word, a precious gift indeed. I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure. Ps. 119:162
- We had one Skype call, and numerous email interchanges to four different interested individuals and groups for possible future ministry here in MNE and/or Nikšić.
- We hosted a small team from Albania for one night who were here for an outreach to local young people.
Speaking Gospel Truths before Event |
- We also hosted a visit with a delightful young couple who are fairly new-to-Montenegro missionaries (currently in the capital city of Podgorica) and enjoyed finding out more about God’s working in Uruguay and Paraguay (their home countries) as well as how they’d like to serve God here in MNE.
- We've also met up with various individuals for one-on-one visits, counseling, and mentoring; hosted the annual meeting of the EUS-CG board; and kept up with all the usual church activities such as prayer meetings and fellowship lunches. It has been a good month!
EUS-CG Board |
Upcoming Ministry and Prayer Requests:
- Please continue to pray for us as we move (slowly!) towards a more comprehensive Children's Ministry-for logistics in a small space and limited manpower as well as good materials to present. We are still hopeful that God will be bringing the right person(s) to head up this growing part of our church life.
- Please pray for Stan as he determines the next books of the Bible to preach to God's people as well as for new people to join us; there are always interested folks but the peer pressure to not associate with a "sect" is very strong and difficult for many to overcome.
- Please pray for those meetings and events that are starting up again in the fall; namely, the student Bible Study, English Conversation Club, and the monthly women's meetings. It always takes awhile for new routines to settle in.
- Please continue to pray for the Steering Committee of the South-Eastern European Gospel Coalition who meet monthly via teleconferencing and will have their first in-person event in a few weeks in Albania. They know that setting a proper foundation is vitally important for any future growth/fruit of this work which is to be a network to encourage us and others to a Christ-Centered gospel.
We also thank you so much for your special prayers regarding our physical health and are glad to be well on the mend.
With great love and appreciation for your ongoing partnership and tangible support in this great work of God,
Stan and Vicki Surbatovich
Mission to Montenegro