Mission to Montenegro newsletter
Blog entry for 17 June 2021
June 2021 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Eccles. 3:1 |
Grace and Peace to you in the name of God our Father!
What peace we have knowing that God holds and ordains the times and seasons for He does all things well. We have a big change coming regarding the issuance of this newsletter--please read through to the end for details. But first, a few highlights of the past month:
- In our morning service, Stan is preaching through John 3, carefully covering the necessity to be born again unto salvation, a much needed teaching here where one is presumed to be born Orthodox (or Muslim or Catholic).
- In the evening, as Stan covers the Heroes of the Faith in Heb. 11, we’ve seen how their faith was in God and in His promises for that which is to come and how that is true for all saints in every age. We rejoice that the newcomers mentioned last month are continuing to come to meetings. Please continue to pray for God's powerful work to break through and for them to truly be born again into the Kingdom of God.
- Last Lord's Day we celebrated our fledgling Sunday School's completion of the booklet The Greatest Journey. We were all much encouraged by the children's enthusiasm and recitation of memorized bible verses. What a blessing for them to know Scripture from an early age. Please pray for all, children and leaders, as we pause a formal program in the summer and prepare for a robust restart in autumn.
The future church! Soli Deo Gloria! |
- With dramatically falling Covid case numbers and a slowly rising vaccination rate, we anticipate being able to conduct modest outreaches (English Camp, Camp Monty Sports) fielded by local believers, ably assisted by our BGU interns. We are also extremely hopeful of enjoying our end-of-month Fellowship Lunch (Potluck) the last Sunday of this month. Please pray that all of these events take place and are a blessing to us and pleasing to God.
A wonderful taste of returning normality: Hosting the Hughes family, here to visit their daughter Kara who is halfway through her BGU internship. |
- We are in a major learning curve to understand MailChimp’s capabilities and how to best use them for our purposes.
- Next month (and possibly a trial mailing at the end of this one) the newsletter will NOT be coming from ChristianityMontenegro but under another name. At this point, we are not sure if it will appear to be from Mission to Montenegro or from Stan and Vicki or from ????. (See point 1 above!)
- We highly suggest you bookmark http://christianitymontenegro.blogspot.com because for the next few months, I will continue to post our newsletter there (NOTE: according to FeedBurner, IT WILL NOT BE EMAILED TO YOU).
- Do be on the lookout for our newsletter in a new format from a new sender. And if you don’t think you’ve gotten it (end July at the latest), check your spam folder and mark it “Not Spam.” If you don't see it at all, please contact us directly.
- Lastly, we appreciate both your prayers and forbearance through early hiccups and mishaps as we transition to what should prove to be a better means of communication.
(Note: Vicki's "Snapshots" will continue next month.)
With great love and appreciation for your ongoing prayers and support,
Stan and Vicki Surbatovich