Mission to Montenegro newsletter
Blog entry for 18 March 2019
March 2019 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter
Moses said to God, “When they ask me,
‘What is his name?’ What shall I tell them?”
God said to Moses, “I am who I am."
Exodus 3:13-14
Did you read last month's newsletter? Good!! Because this month is more of the same! Praise God for the joy and gift of the ordinary life.
- Stan is still faithfully preaching in both morning and evening services. In Exodus 3, we've seen God's loving revelation of His name and all that it embodies; from the book of James, we are challenged to have a living faith graced by godly works.
- We've said good-bye to the Ukranian team and welcomed the Danish Bible School! While the Ukrainian team spent time in the broader community, the Danes will be engaging university students through a number of activities and events over the next two weeks.
- Stan has jumped through the first of the "need a referral" hoops for his cataract surgery, but there are still a few more to jump through, so much patience and perseverance are needed!
Upcoming Ministry and Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for the going-on-right-now University Outreach--that our Danish friends would meet the right young people, for conversations and presentations that show the love, glory, and power of our Father God, and for continued favor from the community to host events at the local cafes. Pray, too, that we will continue to bless one another by mutually encouraging each other's faith as we sit down and enjoy meals and life together.
- Please pray for the ongoing ministries of preaching, teaching, praying, visiting--none of this goes away when a team shows up!
- Please pray for a number of men and women with whom we (and the local church) are discussing biblical truths and sharing our faith. Due to the public nature of these newsletters, we don't mention names, but God knows. Oh, we long for these dear souls to pass from darkness to light, from death to life everlasting!
- Please pray for a speedy process through the medical labyrinth so Stan can get his cataract surgery done in a timely manner.
With great love and appreciation for your ongoing prayers and support,
Stan and Vicki Surbatovich