Mission to Montenegro newsletter
Blog entry for 18 March 2013
March 2013 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter
Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer.
From the end of the earth I will cry to You,
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the Rock which is higher than I. Ps. 61:1,2
Trust in Him at all times, you people!
Stan and Vicki Surbatovich
Mission to Montenegro
Prayer and Praise Bulletin Points:
From the end of the earth I will cry to You,
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the Rock which is higher than I. Ps. 61:1,2
Trust in Him at all times, you people!
- Our midweek meeting is moving! For the first time in a long time, we are now holding our midweek sermon discussion/prayer meeting in people's homes. The impetus was the unpleasant coldness of our meeting room during the week, but our times together have been so wonderfully blessed, that we will continue to meet in homes when the weather improves. Each week a different family or member offers to host the group--this is a wonderful answer to prayer because in the first years of ministry, our home was the only home available!
- The Lord is our strength. It has been a trying time for our small fellowship because of some hard providences. Amongst our regular members and semi-attenders, we have experienced a death in the family, the impending death of a loved one in another family, serious illness requiring extended and ongoing hospitalization in a third family, severe depression in yet another, and other less serious illnesses all requiring a doctor's care. Adding to our weariness are the current storm warnings, landslide warnings, and water potability issues as we are expecting (and currently experiencing) heavy precipitation these next few days. Please pray for us all.
- The mid-March concert has been postponed due to the above mentioned circumstances. We make our plans, but God directs our paths.
- The All-Montenegro Believer's Meeting will be held in mid-May. While we are not hosting it this year, it is a blessed time as we all (approximately 200 believers) gather as one body in Christ.
- Summer will be once again packed with ministry: student camps, visitors, short-term teams, plus our own preparations for Milijana's move to university. Now is the time that plans are laid and made, so please pray that we would be making wise decisions in all these things.
- Stan will be gone much of April due to two Christian conferences and a college-visiting trip with Milijana.
Stan and Vicki Surbatovich
Mission to Montenegro
Prayer and Praise Bulletin Points:
- Praise for the increased fellowship and knitting of our hearts as we've moved the midweek meeting into people's homes. Please pray that none would grow weary of ministry and that our times would cause us all to grow in Christlikeness.
- Praise that God is our foundation and our strong arm. Please pray for the believers here, for healing, for salvation, for renewed hope and waiting on the Lord. Please pray particularly for Stan and his increased counseling load during these times.
- Praise for all the eager workers and upcoming ministry opportunities. Pray that God would be working in people's hearts that they might come and hear and receive His word.
- Pray for our time while Stan and Milijana are away: that all their purposes and aims would be accomplished in the States, for the men preaching and leading while he is away, for protection from our enemy Satan.
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