Mission to Montenegro newsletter

Blog entry for 18 March 2023

March 2023 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter

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So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

Isaiah 55:11

Grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father!

After a wonderful six-plus weeks in the States, we are glad to be back and jumping into life here in Montenegro!


We thank God and you for His evident blessing and answers to prayer on our last few weeks in the States.    We are very grateful for the time we had in the States and came back with a sense of "Mission Accomplished!"  as we connected and reconnected with family, churches, and supporters.  Despite being on the go the entire time, we didn’t get to everyone we would have liked. So, we've started the list of “Churches to Visit & People to See" for next time. (Note: date TBD!)


Stan is back in the pulpit and picked right up from John 13 in the morning where Jesus encourages His true followers to know that He is I am who I am and His will is done even through Judas’ despicable betrayal.  In the evening, Stan continued on in Rev. 3 with the words of Him who is holy and true written to the Church in Philadelphia.  Please pray for those who hear the preaching, whether in person or online, to embrace these Words of Life and to follow Him who is The Word. 


Being away and coming back provides a natural pause in the ministry and a good opportunity to assess what God has been blessing along with prayerfully considering what may be worth changing up.  Please pray for us, the other leaders, and the saints here in Nikšić as we earnestly seek the Lord for guidance on how we might better serve one another as well as bless our Nikšić community with God's love and truth as His ambassadors.

Please pray for the following upcoming happenings in April and May:  Easter Celebrations/Outreach (April 16 according to the Orthodox calendar), returning believers seeking how God might use them in Montenegro, a baptism, and a Ladies’ Mini-Retreat at the end of May. 

We give thanks to the Lord for all of you reading this newsletter, praying faithfully, supporting us sacrificially; you are God's blessing to us and His people in Montenegro.  To God be the glory!

With great love and appreciation,

Stan and Vicki Surbatovich

Vicki's Snapshot:  Our Last Three Weeks on Furlough

Today, literal snapshots!

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